The Importance of Having a Personal Board of Directors

Our friends, family and co workers have always been a very essential part of our support system, both personal and professional. It is they who give us encouragement, support, guidance and camaraderie. But there are times that they offer distractions and a sense of misdirect, deviating us from our goals, that is why we need personal board of directors.

A board of directors is generally a group of five to six people who come together to develop new ideas and protocols that will benefit the organization. It is a kind of a small, formal networking group and work as a professional support system for an organization. They can be as supportive and encouraging as your friends and family members but unlike them, a board of directors will always offer you an honest advice and constructive criticism regarding everything. Often the two terms, i.e. board of directors and personal board of directors are used in different context. While the former is used in professional context, the latter is more personal and intimate, but the subject remains the same. A group of professionals who are always working for your growth and development helps you to set your goals and stick to them throughout, which could seem very difficult otherwise.

‘A successful and profitable board of directors never happens by chance, it has to be worked on’. There are a number of factors that have to be kept in consideration while forming an effective board of directors to bring out the best results. For some organizations, board meeting scenarios become a haunting nightmare but if you are smart about choosing the right people on board, this can be easy for you. The first and the most important step is to identify what kind of board you require to guide your company. Gaye Van De Hombergh, president at Winning Workplaces said that,” They (board of directors) don’t have the legal bells and whistles but they do provide some great advice to the CEO or founder”, so it is very crucial to fill your board with the right people. According to experts, combination of people who complement your existing skills yet diverse in their perspectives will consider different aspect, problems and scenarios and offer better solutions accordingly.

Personal board of directors is your personal mentor who helps you overcome all your personal and professional challenges, help you identify your strengths and navigate towards your destination.

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